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Rona Zero Gravity Lounge

Rona Zero Gravity Lounge

Rona comes equipped with 100% design ergonomics, a back cushion and headrest offering incredible body support and comfort, a highly supportive seat cushion and integral leg-rest and a fully upholstered arm with integral drink cup holder. And with a choice of upholstery options from low-maintenance synthetic to high-end leather, the choice is yours!

Rona succeeds in raising the bar in luxury cinematic seating. From the moment they are seated until the end credits roll, patrons will lose themselves not only in the story of the film the are watching but also in the sheer indulgence of their seating experience.



Descripción MM INCH
Ancho interior del asiento 560 22
Ancho total del asiento 880 34.6
Ancho del brazo 160 6.3
Longitud del reposapiernas 670 26.4
Profundidad total 1750 68.9
Altura total 810 31.9
Altura del suelo al reposabrazos 570 22.4
Altura del suelo al asiento 430 16.9

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