Ocean Shores Cinema, Washington, USA – LS-823

Ocean Shores Cinema, Washington, USA – LS-8232023-12-05T21:28:52-05:00

Descripción del proyecto

Ocean Shores Cinema, Washington, USA

Installed model: Morris LS-823 Glider

Seat counts: 220 seats

Here are the highlights of Morris cinema glider:

  • They are comfy cozy, and recline about 30 degrees, with a twist-out tray to hold your beverages, snacks, etc.
  • Armrests are much more generous, allowing both sides of the seat to rest comfortably without fighting over the armrest.
  • Drinks sit comfortably in a recessed holder
  • Seats are spaced far enough apart to allow plenty of legroom and for more petite guests to see over the seats (and heads) in front of you
  • Seats are solid and do not collapse.  In other words, you will not lose your coat, keys, purse, or small children if you set them in the seat next to you
  • Seats are roomy for those of us who are no longer at our high school weight (let’s face it!)
  • Replaced every seat in the house – all theaters

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